Wednesday, 21 July 2010

More news from the ASA

An advert which features a cat being mistaken for a football and kicked into a tree by blind footballers has not been banned by the ASA despite attracting more than 1000 complaints. The ASA judged that, notwithstanding the number of complaints, the ad was unlikely to cause serious offence as it was obviously an unreal, humorous situation. It is interesting that an ad can attract so many complaints but still not be banned. Meanwhile, a Burger King ad has been banned as it showed a burger of exaggerated size !

Thursday, 15 July 2010

Ryanair in trouble with the ASA again

Ryanair have again been in trouble with the ASA, this time over an advert depicting the boss of rival Easyjet as pinocchio! Perhaps the biggest surprise in all of this is that Michael O'Leary actually appologised in this case, a rare occurance indeed.

Friday, 2 July 2010

Diesel Ads Banned

The clothing brand Diesel is no stranger to controversy, having parodied the 80s porn industry for a previous Internet marketing campaign. it is now in trouble again, with the ASA judging that two posters are likely to cause serious and widespread offence due to their overtly sexual nature and the fact that posters are difficult to target and can be seem by children: